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200 volumes of the Great Russian Encyclopedia can be carried in your pocket

26.01.2023 | 22:22 |
 200 volumes of the Great Russian Encyclopedia can be carried in your pocket

In your pocket on one flash drive you can carry the electronic version of the Great Russian Encyclopedia (GRE), consisting of 200 volumes. The Lomonosov Moscow State University will lead the project to create a digital edition of GRE. This was announced during a solemn meeting dedicated to the 268th anniversary of the university, which is traditionally held at Moscow State University on Tatyana's Day, January 25, rector of Moscow State University Viktor Sadovnichy said, TASS reports.

A large group of scientists, including those from Moscow State University, on behalf of the Russian government, began to create a digital encyclopedia, which until now was only in book form.

“We have a huge responsibility to ensure that the information in this new electronic collection of GRE is complete, correct and up to date. We have recently created a laboratory at the Institute for Mathematical Research of Complex Systems of Moscow State University, which will coordinate all this activity in the country. This is not only mathematics - this is the entire Russian encyclopedia, this is our Britannica. It is clear that if we solve this problem, it will be a tremendous success and work,” TASS quotes Sadovnichy.



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