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Turkmenistan and Astrakhan region will cooperate in the special economic zone "Lotus"

20.01.2023 | 09:54 |
 Turkmenistan and Astrakhan region will cooperate in the special economic zone "Lotus"

A logistics center of Turkmenistan will appear in the port special economic zone of the Astrakhan region. The memorandum on its creation and the cooperation agreement were signed on Friday by Merdan Byashimov, Director General of JSC Transport and Logistics Center of Turkmenistan, and the Head of JSC "SEZ Lotus" by Sergey Milushkin.

The parties agreed to increase cargo transportation through the North-South MTC through the Caspian Sea and to launch an investment project to create a logistics center of Turkmenistan in the port SEZ of the Caspian cluster. The combined cluster will become the cargo base of the transport corridor with a single management company.

"The appearance of the Turkmen logistics center in the SEZ will be an important incentive for the development of cargo transportation from Central Asia to Russia and back, will allow connecting other countries with no direct access to the Caspian Sea to the North-South international transport corridor," commented the General Director of JSC "SEZ Lotus" Sergey Milushkin, noting that he will serve as an example for other partners from the Caspian states.



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