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Ashgabat Golf Club: ecology, aesthetics, sport

10.09.2019 | 16:03 |
 Ashgabat Golf Club: ecology, aesthetics, sport

Is golf a game for the elite or a unique sport? Of course, talking about the game itself, which originated in Scotland and has primordially European roots, then it can be assumed a certain elitism of this sport. In the modern world, golf has acquired a completely habitual character. it is played by experienced people, young and children alike.

The first Golf Club opened in Ashgabat in 2017. Today it is developing, creating more convenient conditions for players and trying to attract new visitors. How? By combining three “E”: ecology, esthetics and energy.

70 hectares of green fields are under the vigilant supervision of experienced greenkeepers who protect the initial look of neat artificial lawns. Indeed, some fields have specific requirements for grass slope.

Picturesque landscapes, ponds with fish calmly swimming in clear water, a waterfall, suburban quietness and the opening view of the Kopetdag Mountain range give an atmosphere of blissful peace.

On the ground floor of the Ashgabat Golf Club there are small shops with all the equipment necessary for the game: clubs, balls and carrying bags. There is a separate shop with special equipment made in Turkmenistan.

Since golf is rather technical game, it also requires professional tools. The most important thing is, of course, the club which has many varieties. Sometimes each hit implies a separate club, depending on the distance and location of the ball in the field. One player has the right to use about 14 clubs.

All proposed accessories for the game can be rented at the Golf Club Headquarters. There are also brochures with a brief guide to learning the rules of such an exquisite game.

Golf is the game that can be played, relaxing and enjoying the process. It has practically no injuries. Balanced physical activity, fresh air and active brain functioning are what this sport is famous for.

At the upcoming Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympic Games, golf is included in the competition programme. This suggests that interest in this game is not only lost, but even vice versa.

Golf has not yet become widespread in Turkmenistan, but with the opening of the country’s first Golf Club, the game is popularizing. Both local amateurs and foreign guests play in the fields every weekend from 8 am until the evening.

Svetlana MAYAK

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