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Organizations of Turkmenistan and companies of the Republic of Korea signed a solid package of documents

02.12.2022 | 14:20 |
 Organizations of Turkmenistan and companies of the Republic of Korea signed a solid package of documents

As part of the official visit of the Chairman of the upper house of the Turkmen Parliament Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to the Republic of Korea, a ceremony of signing documents between Turkmen organizations and Korean companies took place, TDH reports.

The Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan and Hyundai Engineering signed a document on drafting, providing equipment and building an ammonia and carbamide plant in the Balkan region.

Turkmenawtoulaglary agency and Hyundai Corporation signed a document on expanding trade, economic, scientific and technical cooperation. Turkmenhimiya State Concern and Daewoo Engineering & Construction signed a confidentiality Agreement.

Memoranda of Understanding was signed by:

–The UIET and the Korean International Trade Association,
–State Border Service of Turkmenistan and Hyundai Corporation,
–The State Committee of Water Management of Turkmenistan and Hyundai Corporation.


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