Turkmenistan starts to implement the Concept of the development of the digital economy
04.01.2019 | 13:29 |Turkmenistan is embarking on the implementation of the Digital Economy Development Concept for 2019-2025, approved by a presidential decree at the end of November 2018.
The concept aims to increase the efficiency of functioning of all sectors of the economy and the public sphere of the country through the use of information technology. It includes 7 chapters reflecting the current state of the information and communication technology system of Turkmenistan, goals, objectives, ways and mechanisms of their development, as well as expected results.
The implementation of the Concept is scheduled in three phases: the first is 2019, the second is 2020–2023, and the third is 2024–2025.
At the first stage includes the creation of a state authorized body, an interdepartmental commission consisting of heads of ministries, departments and other organizations is envisaged, as well as the creation of a program for the development of the digital economy, that is, a kind of "road map" of measures to prepare for the transition to the digital economy.
At this stage it is also envisaged to monitor the technical base of business entities to prepare for digitalization. It is planned to improve the material and technical base, the legislative platform, the adoption of systematic measures to improve the skills of personnel. It is also planned to determine organizational issues, and calculate the amount of budget financing. At this stage, tenders for the purchase of appropriate technical equipment will be announced, investment volumes will be determined, pilot projects will be launched, and the possibilities of their implementation in all sectors will be analyzed.
At the second stage, a wider and more comprehensive introduction of digital communication systems, the development of the “One-stop” service, the introduction of digital reporting, etc. are envisaged.
At the third stage, implementation of digitalization projects in the sectors of the Turkmen economy, its integration into the international digital economic system is planned.
A number of elements of the digital economy in various fields are already successfully operating in Turkmenistan. In the near future, the telecommunications and telecommunications industry will be upgraded using 3G, 4G, and later - 5G high-speed Internet and other services. The fourth generation mobile communication technologies can also be used in the fields of telemedicine, distance education, transport management, security and public order, etc.
In 2017, Turkmenistan adopted the Concept for the Development of a Digital Education System, which includes the development of e-learning methods. The digital education system aims to provide equal opportunities throughout the country for obtaining high-quality educational services and knowledge, as well as serve as an incentive for additional education and improvement of professional skills using innovative digital resources.