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During the holidays, the circus will delight audiences with daily performances

21.03.2025 | 12:25 |
 During the holidays, the circus will delight audiences with daily performances

The State Circus of Turkmenistan has prepared vibrant circus performances to mark the International Novruz Day.

From March 21st to 23rd, the circus extends an invitation to all those who wish to immerse themselves in a world of astonishing stunts and vivid emotions. The new program promises to be a highlight of the spring season.

Taking to the arena will be true stars, including the national equestrian games group "Galkynyş", a six-time winner of top prizes at international circus festivals, and the renowned troupe "Türkmen jigitleri". The artists will present masterful equestrian stunts, as well as impressive acts in other circus genres.

Spectators can anticipate an encounter with trained animals, acrobats, cheerful clowns, and many other talented performers. Each act is a genuine spectacle, filled with energy and merriment.

Tickets are available for purchase at the circus box office. For inquiries, please call: 36-10-95, 36-10-34, 39-80-44, 39-80-45.



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