Turkmen students achieve success at the XXI International Zhautykov Olympiad in Mathematics, Physics, and Informatics
18.01.2025 | 11:25 |Students from Turkmenistan have won 2 gold, 4 silver, and 6 bronze medals at the XXI International Zhautykov Olympiad in Mathematics, Physics, and Informatics "IZhO 2025", which recently concluded in Astana.
Hamza Allaberdiyev (12th grade, Specialized School No. 135, English language) – Gold medal
Agamyradov Rahym (12th grade, Specialized School No. 86, English language, Chemistry and Biology) – Silver medal
Babageldiyev Maksat (12th grade, Specialized School No. 135, English language) – Silver medal
Akmyradov Begench (11th grade, Specialized School No. 49, Mathematics and English language) – Silver medal
Meylismyradov Maliksha (11th grade, Specialized School No. 86, English language, Chemistry and Biology) – Bronze medal
Hojanyyazov Sanjar (11th grade, Specialized School No. 86, English language, Chemistry and Biology) – Bronze medal
Ishanmyradov Begli (11th grade, Specialized School No. 86, English language, Chemistry and Biology) – Bronze medal
Ruslanov Myrat (10th grade, Specialized School No. 97, Language subjects) – Bronze medal
Hudayberenov Hudayguly (11th grade, Specialized School named after Saparmurat Turkmenbashy) – Bronze medal
Nuryyev Jumadurdy (12th grade, Specialized School named after Saparmurat Turkmenbashy) – Gold medal
Annamyradov Dovlet (12th grade, Secondary School No. 43, Sakarchage, Mary Region) – Silver medal
- Amanmyradov Yhlas (11th grade, Specialized School No. 86, English language, Chemistry and Biology) – Bronze medal
This year, Turkmenistan was represented by 21 talented students.
Approximately 700 students and 150 supervisors from 15 countries, including Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Russia, Belarus, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Georgia, Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, and Mongolia, participated in the Olympiad.
The International Zhautykov Olympiad has been held since 2005 under the auspices of the Ministry of Education of Kazakhstan, in conjunction with the Republican Scientific and Practical Center "Daryn" and the Republican Physics and Mathematics School. Its goal is to popularize physical and mathematical sciences among students, establish friendly relations between specialized schools from different countries, and exchange experiences.
The Olympiad lasted five days and consisted of two rounds. The tasks were prepared by an international jury.
The winners were awarded gold, silver, and bronze medals, and all participants received certificates and commemorative gifts.