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In Turkmenistan, an ambassador of the Kingdom of Cambodia has been accredited

26.08.2024 | 19:10 |
 In Turkmenistan, an ambassador of the Kingdom of Cambodia has been accredited

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Cambodia Sok Chea presented his credentials to the Chairperson of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan, Dunyagozel Gulmanova.

The meeting took place on Monday, 26 August. The Ambassador was briefed on the priorities of our country's domestic and foreign policy, the composition of the national parliament, and the work on legislative support for reforms implemented in various sectors. The sides expressed their readiness to intensify contacts within the framework of international parliamentary structures, the Mejlis website reported.

Sok Chea emphasized that the Kingdom of Cambodia is very interested in strengthening bilateral relations with Turkmenistan in all areas.

On the same day, the Cambodian Ambassador, with residence in Ankara, paid a visit to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan, where he met with Deputy Foreign Minister Myahri Byashimova.

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The diplomats considered the possibilities of developing political-diplomatic dialogue, emphasizing the positive experience of cooperation in international and regional formats, primarily in the United Nations, discussed ways of launching trade and economic cooperation, in particular through the organization of joint business forums and exhibitions.

The sides expressed mutual interest in expanding cultural and humanitarian ties, as well as exchanging of experiences in the fields of science, education, culture, and tourism, the press service of the Turkmen Foreign Ministry reported.

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Turkmenistan and the Kingdom of Cambodia established diplomatic relations on 6 April 1995.

Muhammetniyaz Mashalov, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Turkmenistan to the Kingdom of Cambodia (with residence in Kuala Lumpur), is also the Ambassador to Malaysia. He presented credentials to the King of Cambodia in August 2023.

Plans have also been reported to introduce direct flights between Turkmenistan and Cambodia in order to strengthen tourism ties between the two countries.



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