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Days of reading poetry of Magtymguly Pyragy were held in Kyiv

23.08.2024 | 11:37 |
 Days of reading poetry of Magtymguly Pyragy were held in Kyiv

In August of the anniversary year, the Days of Reading the Poetry of Magtymguly Fragi were held in Kyiv.

Representatives of Turkmen students in Ukraine, modern Ukrainian researchers and translators of Magtymguly Pyragy's poetry took part in the event organized by the Embassy of Turkmenistan in Ukraine in honor of the 300th anniversary of the outstanding Turkmen poet and thinker of the East.

The poet's poems, which have entered the golden treasury of world literature, were recited in Turkmen and Ukrainian at the monument of Magtymguly in the central Kyiv square and picturesque locations of the Embassy of Turkmenistan.

The youth recited the anthem-dedication to the native country "The Future of Turkmenistan" about the heroic past and prosperous future of the Turkmens at the monument of Magtymguly. The work takes us to the vast expanses of Turkmenistan from the Amu Darya to the Caspian Sea, leads us through endless deserts, steppes and mountain rivers, paints an image of a brave Turkmen and a fraternal people. It is symbolic that here, on a granite slab at the pedestal of the Fragi monument in the Kyiv square, lines from this great poem are minted in Turkmen and Ukrainian:

«Tireler gardaşdyr, urug ýarydyr, Ykballar ters gelmez hakyň nurudyr»
«Here brotherhood is a custom and friendship is a law for glorious families and powerful tribes».

Magtymguly's poems are recited in different languages of the world. Thus, famous Ukrainian figures of culture and art - laureate of the state award - the Magtymguly Pyragy medal, poet and prose writer Aleksey Kononenko and tireless researcher of Pyragy's work, professor Nikolay Vaskiv recited the poet's philosophical works in Ukrainian "Good and Evil", "I am searching".

The work of the great poet is multifaceted and one can feel the harmony of different themes in it. The theme of education occupies a special place in the poet's poetic themes. Pyragy's works are the basis for the education of noble and intelligent youth.

Along with his instructive poems, an important place is occupied by works on human behavior, that is, on courage, honesty, determination, hard work, respect for elders, calling for the unity of the nation and love for the Motherland. These important and relevant topics for young people were expressed by students in the poems “Gözlär men”, “Zarlar içinde”, “Solupdyr pygan bilen”, “Neýleý, indi biçäreýem”, “Gyş goýar”, “I flew, my friends…”. Undoubtedly, the participants of the literary readings managed to immerse the audience in the world of the poet’s feelings and convey the national spirit of his works.

Full video recordings of the Days of Reading the Poetry of Magtymguly Fragi are posted on the social networks of the Embassy of Turkmenistan in Ukraine:,


Photo: provided by the Embassy of Turkmenistan in Ukraine

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