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Standards for assessing the environmental friendliness of computers have been launched

04.06.2024 | 12:19 |
 Standards for assessing the environmental friendliness of computers have been launched

Following the presentation by the American company Intel and its partners in February of the concept of an environmentally friendly PC (Green PC), 90% recyclable, major manufacturers have released a set of standards for assessing the environmental friendliness of PCs.

The standard includes five main evaluation criteria, each of which is influenced by 15 indicators of the first level and 27 indicators of the second level. This classification system will first be launched in China and later in the United States.

The top five criteria for the Green PC designation included Design Definition, Production Delivery, Use & Maintenance, Recyclability, and an unnamed bonus criterion.

Devices with a total score of less than 60 points will not fall under the Green PC classification; 61–74 points correspond to Green PC Bronze, 75–89 points correspond to Green PC Silver, and 90+ points correspond to Green PC Gold.

Along with the presentation of the classification system, Intel announced several upcoming "green" PCs from Asus, Dell, HP, Lenovo, H3C, Panlong and Tongfang.



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