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The President of Turkmenistan awarded honorary titles to the mentors and players of the Galkan hockey team

21.04.2024 | 22:01 |
 The President of Turkmenistan awarded honorary titles to the mentors and players of the Galkan hockey team

By decree of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, for great services in the development of Turkmen sports and increasing its international authority, successful performance with winning first place at the international hockey tournament held in Ashgabat on April 15-20, and distinguished training work, the title of “Honored Coach of Turkmenistan” was awarded to Meylis Kuliev - coach of the hockey club "Galkan" under the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Ilyas Veliyev - assistant coach of the same club. This was reported in the news release of the Turkmen State Radio and Television.


The title of “Honored Master of Sports of Turkmenistan” was awarded to the players of the “Galkan” team. Among them: Muhammetyar Nuryev - district police of the Berkararlyk district police authorities of Ashgabat, Keremli Charyev - helicopter commander of the Air Police Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Rakhman Myradov - trainee teacher of the department of winter and water sports of the Turkmen State Institute of Physical Education and Sports, students of this university

  • Arslan Geldimyradov, Musa Annasaparov, Begench Dovletmyradov, Ovezguly Esenov, Gurbanmyrat Tangiev, Erkin Kakabaev and their teammates Amangeldi Agniyazov, Perkhat Ataekaev, Pavel Barkovsky, Novruz Baykhanov, Baymyrat Baymyradov, Serdar Kakadzhanov, Arslan Nuryev, Alexander Vakhovsky and Akhmet Gurbanov.


President Serdar Berdimuhamedov also sent congratulations to the athletes and coaches of the “Galkan” hockey team on their successful performance at the international tournament. In his message, the head of state expressed confidence that the next sports festival in the Turkmen capital made a great contribution to the strengthening of friendly, fraternal and good neighborly relations between peoples, the development of winter sports in our country, and the improvement of the skills and experience of hockey players.”


“Holding a high-level international ice hockey tournament in a modern winter sports complex once again demonstrated to the world that our country is capable of hosting, along with various major sports competitions, international winter sports competitions,” the president emphasized.


On Sunday, April 21, the Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Turkmenistan held a ceremony to honor the athletes and coaches of the Turkmen hockey team “Galkan”, who were presented with diplomas and memorable gifts on behalf of the head of state.


Photo: frames of the Altyn Asyr TV channel

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