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What are the differences between Incoterms2010 and Incoterms 2020?

21.02.2024 | 22:00 |
 What are the differences between Incoterms2010 and Incoterms 2020?

Incoterms, or International Commercial Terms, are a set of standardized three-letter trade terms used in international trade to establish the responsibilities and liabilities between the buyer and seller. They are published by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and are recognized worldwide. The Incoterms rules are regularly updated to align with the current practices in international trade, with Incoterms 2010 and Incoterms 2020 being the most widely used versions. While both versions aim to facilitate smooth and clear international transactions, there are several key differences between them.

Incoterms 2010:

The Incoterms 2010, which have been used in international trade for over a decade, consist of 11 trade terms that define the obligations and risks of the buyer and seller. Some of the most commonly used Incoterms in Incoterms 2010 include EXW (Ex Works), FOB (Free On Board), and CIF (Cost, Insurance, and Freight).

For example, under the FOB Incoterm, the seller is responsible for delivering the goods on board the vessel at the named port of shipment, while the buyer is responsible for the cost and risk of the goods from that point forward. This means that the seller's responsibility ends when the goods are loaded onto the vessel, and the buyer takes on the risk and cost of transportation from that point.

Incoterms 2020:

The latest version, Incoterms 2020, was introduced to address the changing global trade landscape and make the rules more accessible and easier to understand. One of the notable changes in Incoterms 2020 is the replacement of the Incoterm DAT (Delivered at Terminal) with DPU (Delivered at Place Unloaded) and the Incoterm DAP (Delivered at Place) with DPU (Delivered at Place Unloaded).

For instance, under the DPU Incoterm, the seller is responsible for delivering the goods, unloaded from the arriving means of transport, at the named place. This updated Incoterm reflects the increased use of containerized transport and can be more broadly applied to various modes of transport.

Differences between Incoterms 2010 and Incoterms 2020:

One of the significant changes in Incoterms 2020 is the introduction of security-related requirements for each Incoterm to address security concerns in global trade. Additionally, Incoterms 2020 provides clearer guidance on the allocation of costs between the buyer and seller, making it easier for businesses to understand and choose the appropriate Incoterm for their specific transaction.

Moreover, Incoterms 2020 emphasizes the importance of determining the allocation of costs and responsibilities for insurance-related requirements, providing greater clarity for both parties involved in the transaction. It also includes detailed explanatory notes for each Incoterm to help users interpret and apply the rules correctly.


To illustrate the differences between Incoterms 2010 and Incoterms 2020, suppose a German company is purchasing goods from a manufacturer in China. Under Incoterms 2010, the German company may opt for the FCA (Free Carrier) Incoterm, where the seller delivers the goods to a named place, such as a carrier or another person nominated by the buyer.

On the other hand, under Incoterms 2020, the German company may choose the new Incoterm, DPU (Delivered at Place Unloaded), where the seller is responsible for delivering the goods, unloaded, at the named place. The updated Incoterm provides more clarity on the responsibilities and requirements, making the transaction smoother and more transparent for both parties.

In summary, while Incoterms 2010 and Incoterms 2020 share similar objectives of facilitating international trade, the latter version offers updated rules that are more reflective of current trade practices and provide clearer guidance on the allocation of costs, responsibilities, and security-related requirements. Businesses involved in international trade should familiarize themselves with the updated Incoterms 2020 to ensure smooth and transparent transactions.


International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) - Incoterms 2020 -business/incoterms-rules/incoterms -2020/

International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) - Incoterms 2010 -business/incoterms-rules/incoterms -2010/


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