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New Ambassador of Chile to Turkmenistan takes up his duties

07.03.2023 | 23:33 |
 New Ambassador of Chile to Turkmenistan takes up his duties

New Ambassador of the Republic of Chile Rodrigo Enrique Arcos Castro presented his credentials to Speaker of the Parliament of Turkmenistan Gulshat Mammedova.

The head of the Mejlis, on behalf of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, congratulated the diplomat on his appointment and wished him success in his mission.

During the conversation, the parties exchanged views on the possibilities of interaction at the interstate level and through parliamentary relations, as well as in the format of international organizations.

The prospects for the development of trade and economic contacts, ties in the field of science and education, sports and tourism were noted. The head of the Turkmen parliament and the Chilean ambassador also spoke in favor of intensifying the cultural dialogue between the two countries.


Photo: Ahmed Khallyev

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