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Enter a Russian university by a quota in 6 steps — instructions from the Russian House in Turkmenistan

08.02.2023 | 11:19 |
 Enter a Russian university by a quota in 6 steps — instructions from the Russian House in Turkmenistan

In January 2023, representatives of Rossotrudnichestvo in Turkmenistan announced the allocation of quotas for 250 budget places in institutions of secondary vocational and higher education in Russia for Turkmen applicants. The priority of the new 2023-2024 academic year is medical and creative areas of training.

The Russian House in Ashgabat instructed ORIENT how to enter a Russian university by the quota:

Step 1: Register and fill out an application on the portal (23.12.2022 – 20.02.2023);
Step 2: Wait until the application is reviewed (12/23/2022 – 02/20/2023);
Step 3: Receive an invitation to the qualifying test (12/23/2022 – 02/28/2023);
Step 4: Take part in the selection tests (01.02.2023 – 30.03.2023);
Step 5: If you have chosen a creative specialty, the selection tests will be held later (01.03.2023 – 31.08.2023);
Step 6: Universities will select the applications of the best candidates (01.06.2023 – 31.08.2023).

How do I know that my application has been approved?

If your application has been accepted, you will receive an email with an invitation to the exam, which will be held in an online format.

There will be 2 exams in total.

For those who enter the master's program, an interview is conducted, during which they assess the level of proficiency in the Russian language and ask questions about the specialty in which you studied.

What is a portfolio contest and why is it needed?

The portfolio competition is held for those who want to enroll in creative specialties and master's degree programs. It consists in evaluating applicants according to their achievements, that is, the contestants will have to hand over their diplomas, certificates, certificates of completion of various courses and sections. Points will be awarded for each such document.

The winners of the subject Olympiads at the district, city and state levels will enjoy the advantage. All certificates and diplomas are valid for only two years. Points will also be awarded for a diploma of higher education (bachelor's degree) with honors. A rating is compiled based on the total number of points.

How do I know that I have enrolled? And if so, where?

In the general system, if you have a high rating, you will receive a notification from the university that accepted you, as well as a small reference about the curator and /or representative of this university, with whom you will need to contact (e-mail, number, etc. will be indicated).

The rating indicators are sent to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia, which distributes applications to the relevant universities. Those, in turn, independently choose the applicants they want to see in their ranks.

You can be accepted by one of the 6 universities selected by you, which you choose in the questionnaire. At the same time, it is preferable to choose only those universities whose diplomas will be recognized in Turkmenistan. A list of such universities can be found on the official website of the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan. Applicants purchase a plane ticket on their own at their own expense.



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