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"Altyn Asyr" Lake - a national project with global positive consequences

10.05.2019 | 11:13 |
 "Altyn Asyr" Lake - a national project with global positive consequences

Representatives of UN funds, international organizations and diplomatic missions accredited in Turkmenistan, invited by President Berdimuhamedov on a working trip to the shore of the Altyn Asyr Lake, noted its importance for solving the Aral Sea problem.

The project of the man-made lake, first of all, is part of the national program for the rational use of natural resources. But the positive effect achieved already in the first stages extends to the region as a whole, including to the zone of ecological disaster - the Aral Sea.

“Since our last trip to the lake at the end of February 2019, at the invitation of the distinguished Mr. President, the positive changes that took place here cannot but please the eye,” Natalia German, the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General, expressed a general idea at the briefing.

The construction of the lake "Altyn Asyr" was included in the Action Program to improve the environmental and socio-economic situation in the Aral Sea basin, implemented by IFAS. It already saves water resources, which are more expensive than anything in the desert.

Reuse of drainage water reduces the use of water from other sources, and the ecosystem created on the shores of the Turkmen lake becomes a platform for changing the climatic conditions in the region. Someday thanks to this project the Karakum will see blossoming apple trees.

Of course, up to this point, there are many years of hard work, development of infrastructure on the coast, research into further reducing the salinity of discharged water, the development of its own eco-technologies.

But the successes achieved already impress the international community and allow us to hope for even more ambitious results. Representatives of various UN funds - UNDP, UNCTAD, FAO, UNEP, UNFPA, UNICEF, Regional Center for Preventive Diplomacy in Central Asia, as well as WHO, EU, OSCE, IFAS, GIZ, CAREC, World Bank, EBRD, even the Guinness Book of Records, who visited on the shores of the Turkmen Lake confirm that the project is of interest at all levels of regional and global governance as a real step towards solving the Aral issue.


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