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The IE «Batly Gadam» and the ES «Turkmen Deniz Hyzmatlary» have successfully passed the certification procedure according to international standards

27.12.2021 | 20:40 |
 The IE «Batly Gadam» and the ES «Turkmen Deniz Hyzmatlary» have successfully passed the certification procedure according  to international standards

The manufacturer of sock products in Turkmenistan IE «Batly Gadam» and the sea transport company ES «Turkmen Deniz Hyzmatlary» have successfully passed the procedure of international certification according to the requirements of international ISO standards.

A member of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan, the individual enterprise «Batly Gadam», located in the Balkan region, began work in 2010. In 2018, a new textile production was opened for the production of high-quality cotton yarn and socks.

In December 2021, as a confirmation of the company's sustainable development strategy in the field of quality, ecology and labor protection, the Batly Gadam enterprise received certificates for the integrated quality management system – ISO 9001:2015, environmental management – ISO 14001:2015 and occupational health and safety – ISO 45001:2018.

предприятия в Балканском регионе получили сертификаты ISO

Currently, the company's products are in great demand both on the domestic and international markets. Cotton socks are exported to Turkey, Kazakhstan, Iran, Azerbaijan and the Russian Federation.

Туркмен дениз хызматлары

The economic society «Turkmen Deniz Hyzmatlary» has been operating since 2012. The company is engaged in the repair of ships, mechanical and electrical equipment. Provides agency services for marine vessels and consultations in various fields.

предприятия в Балканском регионе получили сертификаты ISO

Performs transportation of passengers and cargo, as well as engaged in dredging, supply of equipment, spare parts and provision of vessels. In December 2021, «Turkmen Deniz Hyzmatlary» passed a certification audit on international quality management systems ISO 9001:2015 and occupational health and safety - ISO 45001:2018.

Certification of enterprises according to international standards will give companies an additional advantage when exporting their products abroad, when negotiating with partners and investors, as well as when participating in tenders.

Georgy Aslanyan

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