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The purchase of agricultural products for further processing continues

30.07.2021 | 18:25 |
 The purchase of agricultural products for further processing continues

The season for the purchase of various agricultural products by processing enterprises of Turkmenistan is in full swing. Among them are the “Mive” Agricultural Production Association, the “Jeyhun» fruit canning plant, “Rukhybelent» JSC and other facilities under the Food Industry Directorate of the Ministry of Agriculture.

Agricultural products are also purchased by large private firms - the individual enterprise "Parahat", the daikhan association "Parasatly" and others, which are members of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan.

Ими перерабатываются и консервируются томаты, огурцы, сладкий перец, баклажаны, всевозможные фрукты и бахчевые, получаемые на договорной основе от частных фермеров. Из фруктов и мякоти бахчевых делаются компоты и джемы, а из овощей – лечо и салаты, соленья и маринады.

They process and can tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, eggplants, all kinds of fruit, watermelons, melons and gourds obtained on a contractual basis from private farmers. Compotes and jams are made from fruit and melon pulp, lecho and salads, pickles and marinades are made from vegetables.

Private firms produce a wide range of processed fruit and vegetable products - vegetable and fruit purees for children, juices, yoghurts and much more.


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