08.08.2018 11:04


Ashgabat, expectedly, became the first Turkmen city with a million population. Shumukhammet Durdylyev, mayor of the capital, reported at the government meeting on video communication that the population of the country's main city exceeded 1 million inhabitants.
07.08.2018 23:34
The first project of the Ramsar Regional Initiative for Central Asia on the “Update of the information on the status of wetlands by collection and dissemination of good practices for the conservation and sustainable use of the wetlands by local communities” was completed in Turkm...
04.08.2018 11:17

Aleksandr BAYRIEV

The peak of the scorching heat in Turkmenistan seems to have passed. But it's still hot. Yes, so that the locals do not turn off air-conditioning either day or night. However, in order not to catch a cold, wear warm socks during the day, and at night - cover ...
01.08.2018 22:35
Small Basin Council for the Murgab River started its activity in Turkmenistan. The council became the first structure for water resources management, created on the basis of the hydrographic (basin) principle. Recently, the Regional Environmental Center for Central Asia (CAREC
29.07.2018 20:36
British man Ed Pratt became the first person to tour the world on a unicycle. At the age of 19, he left Somerset in March 2015. He loaded his unicycle Nimbus Oracle with tent, sleeping bag, portable stove, kit in panniers. For three years and 135 days, a desperate cy...
27.07.2018 11:57


NFC-sensors, with the help of which it is possible to replenish the balance of contactless smart cards for payment of travel in public transport, were installed in Ashgabat, in the terminals of the Senagat Bank. For payment, you need to select the icon
20.07.2018 11:56


Last weeks, when the thermometer's column stably rises above the level of 40 degrees, we are saved from the heat by the coolness of air conditioners, with an abundant drink, and avoid coming out under the scorching rays of the sun. The lifehacks in case of heat
19.07.2018 15:26


Active network users already know for certain that an Internet service for ordering a taxi "TIZ.TAXI" (Fast Taxi) is launched in test mode in the capital of our country. ORIENT decided to check the work of the service and at the same time talked to one of the driv...
18.07.2018 11:16

Altyn Ashirov

Real life practice plays a huge role in the training of future health professionals. Every year students of the State Medical University of Turkmenistan (SMUT) consolidate the theoretical knowledge received in the university in various profile institutions of the...
16.07.2018 11:22
Today, at 13:05 Ashgabat time, the Turkmenistan Airlines aircraft departed from the Ashgabat International Airport to carry out the first, recently resumed, direct flight along the Ashgabat – Abu Dhabi – Ashgabat route The aircraft travelled nearly fifteen hundred kilometers ...