05.10.2018 18:16
Delegations from 138 countries, as well as representatives of UN agencies and other international organizations, gathered in Geneva this week to share experiences and agree on further actions to implement the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC). -The WHO Fra
29.09.2018 19:00
The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the State Committee for Environmental Protection and Land Resources of Turkmenistan, with the financial support of the Global Environment Fund (GEF), launched new joint project “Sustainable Cities in Turkmenistan: Integrated Green...
17.09.2018 19:32

Altyn Ashirova

It is not only profitable and honorable, but also convenient to work at a large enterprise of world significance. However, in the society the opinion has long been rooted that industrial giants are devoid of "humanity" and are not interested in the needs and des
15.09.2018 22:42
On 13-14 September 2018, Samarkand hosted the 5th meeting of the India-Central Asia dialogue, organized by the Analytical Center for International Relations under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan jointly with the Indian Council of World Affairs. T
11.09.2018 10:03
A parade timed to the start of the Amul-Khazar 2018 rally was held today on the main square of Turkmenabat. Participants in the parade included more than 150 athletes - pilots and navigators, who tomorrow will go to conquer unpredictable sands of Karakum. Dozens of jour
01.09.2018 23:55
China's Central Commission on cyberspace affairs and the authoritative state-run news agency Xinhua launched this week Piyao media platform to expose fake news and false information that roam the global web. This step was taken after Internet regulators received about 6.7 mil...
26.08.2018 13:33
The trip to Avaza is the main trend of the summer holidays of the Turkmen people. Everyone wants to plunge into the tender sea, soak up the morning sun and get a beautiful tan that will delight in the dull winter weekdays. The national tourist zone "Avaza" is ready to receive
21.08.2018 00:01
The public organization “Ýeňme” in cooperation with the Union of Economists of Turkmenistan and the youth organization JA Worldwide will organize a photo contest “Me and my country”. The event is designed to motivate the public to perceive photography as a full-fledged directi...
10.08.2018 13:41


Summer is coming to an end, which means it is necessary to prepare a child for starting school and visit “school bazaars”. Starting from August 1, the school fairs are opened in all regions of Turkmenistan. In Ashgabat, the main school bazaars are “Gundogar”
09.08.2018 23:40


The " Academy of Leadership 2018" today has completed its work in Ashgabat an action that is annually carried out by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) with the support of the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan and the Youth Organization of Turkmenist