06.11.2018 09:55
Turkmen cotton growers fulfilled the plan to harvest "white gold" by 95%, having collected more than 1 million tons of raw cotton. The tenants of Ahal velayat are leading in the country. As expected, the state order will be fully completed by the Harvest Festival, which is celebr
30.10.2018 21:11
Turkmenistan joined the WHO/Europe Flu Awareness Campaign initiative for the first time this year, with the organizing an awareness campaign held on 22–26 October. The campaign was primarily focused on high-risk groups, which include the elderly, pregnant women, young children...
27.10.2018 12:03
November 1 of this year, the national currency of Turkmenistan - manat, will celebrate its 25th birthday, that is, the 25th anniversary of the date of its issuance. A conference will be held in honor of the “birthday boy”, at which reports will be made on the history of introduci...
21.10.2018 23:23
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Turkmenistan together with the Institute of State, Law and Democracy has organized a five-day training of trainers on Human Rights and International Mechanisms on Human Rights Protection. This event is among key initiatives withi...
21.10.2018 23:19
If you count all the close and distant relatives, classmates, friends, colleagues and celebrities who are known to you from the movies and the Internet, it is likely that your list will consist of several hundred recognizable faces. But, in fact, your brain stores a huge face-cat...
21.10.2018 11:58


Due to the development of non-state sector of the economy of Turkmenistan, private companies of various types are opening every day. Talhan bakery under Gül Zaman House of Fashion and Flowers is joined the ranks a year and half ago. Today, it is a well-known bake...
18.10.2018 19:59
Many sites on the Internet and even TV programs teach how to construct traditional clay oven for making bread – tamdyr. These cylindrical furnaces-braziers, widespread among in Asia and the East, are now becoming mandatory attributes of summer residences in Europe and USA, as ...
15.10.2018 20:28
In Almaty, the results of the Central Asian contest for the best journalistic work on climate change were announced, which was held by Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Program for Aral Sea Basin (CAMP4ASB). Among the winners - the article by Marina Agalkhanova from the inform
15.10.2018 20:16
Last week under the series of events devoted to the month of SDGs, UN hosted the working meetings to prepare for a Voluntary National Review on Sustainable Development Goals. Expert meetings attended by employees of ministries and agencies, representatives of specialized agen
08.10.2018 10:58
Students of the Turkmen National Institute of World Languages named after Dovletmammed Azadi successfully passed to the second round of the Open International Internet Olympiad on the subject "Russian language" for students of 1-3 courses. For future specialists, participation