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In the Museum of Wildlife of Turkmenistan there appeared new-borns

12.02.2021 | 11:17 |
 In the Museum of Wildlife of Turkmenistan there appeared new-borns

Readers of ORIENT are often interested in the life of the Ashkhabad zoo and after all in 2020 the National Museum of Wildlife of Turkmenistan attained its 10th anniversary. For years of its existence the zoo world has been replenished with a number of newly born cubs. And the palm by quantity of birth rate, certainly, belongs to one of species of baboons - hamadryades.

Just recently long-nosed monkeys have given birth to new posterity. Mum-monkey Aysel does not let go a new-born cub, and near to it, a proud head of the family - the male a baboon Kerven sits. The name of each nurseling appears from the moment of its birth, it is interesting how workers of the zoo will name the kid-baboon? Compete in fertility with baboons inhabitants of the aquarian department can only. Small fishes and sea turtles succeed in it.

On forty hectares of the Museum of Wildlife lives 186 species of absolutely different animals. And the zoo is divided into four thematic zones. The reserve opens with the department of reptiles and crocodiles. Mamed and Maysa - a married couple of Nile crocodiles, they arrived in Turkmenistan from Africa in 2010. Since that moment nurslings have considerably grown - from 95 centimetres to 3 metres and, according to research assistant Mekan Kulniyazov, it is not yet a limit.

Today the majority of inhabitants of the zoo stay in hibernation. Nevertheless, each of them is given a special care. At times city birds visit inhabitants of the zoo. For casual visitors workers of the wildlife reserve of nature located at the foothills of the Kopetdag mountains, have constructed small starling houses so that city birds could feed in winter.

In covered open-air cages cold days and inhabitants of the bird's department - parrots, owls, pigeons, pelicans, pink flamingos and others stay in cold days. Spacious premises are warmed with ovens, here birds feel at home, and have possibility freely to fly.

Life in the zoo does not stop even a day. While animals have a rest from visitors, workers of the zoo equip new open-air cages, construct cane floor-mats and panels, and improve footpaths. So, there appeared a detailed card of the Museum of Wildlife, and on road junctions - the convenient signs telling, in what direction one should go to see one or other animals.

While in Ashkhabad warm weather keeps, to get warmed in the sun the lion and lioness have got out. In its territory the tiger Sherhan and its companion Murka have an impressive walk. Giraffes, basically preferring bright and juicy carrots enjoy fruit and vegetables. The family of wild boars, which have also given birth to their offspring for the zoo, enjoys the sunshine.

By the way, as for gifts: recently from the zoo as a gift a monkey and an ostrich have been given to the state circus of Turkmenistan. And it means that inhabitants will shortly act on the circus arena.

It is possible to tell long about that dumb animals, how much unusually and funny they behave, however to observe them alive - much more interesting. The eloquent photos made in the National Museum of Wildlife of Turkmenistan speak for it.

Selbi Charyeva

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