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Exhibition at the State Museum of Turkmenistan dedicated to woman’s beauty and talent

04.03.2025 | 19:21 |
 Exhibition at the State Museum of Turkmenistan dedicated to woman’s beauty and talent

On March 3, the State Museum of the State Cultural Center of Turkmenistan opened an exhibition called "Women's Happiness - the Happiness of the Earth" dedicated to International Women's Day. It presents works of art and ancient treasures from the museum's collection.

Among the exhibits are green, yellow, and white capes hand-embroidered by Turkmen craftswomen, the bright colors of which resemble spring. The centuries-old traditions of women's handicrafts are reflected in the paintings by I. Klychev "Magic Patterns" and Sh. Akmuhammedov "Folk Art" included in the exhibition. The works of other famous artists are also presented here, revealing the rich world of beauty associated with spring and women. These are the works of R. Mukhammedov "Mother", G. Barannikov "Daughter-in-law" and others.

The exhibition was opened by director of the State Museum of the State Cultural Center of Turkmenistan Meretgeldy Charyev. Then the floor was given to figures of culture and art, including famous theater artists, teachers of the Turkmen National Conservatory named after Maya Kulieva and the State Academy of Arts, employees of the State Library. They noted the great contribution of women to the comprehensive development of the country, spoke about the artistic embodiment of female images in various forms of art.

The State Museum annually holds several cultural events and organizes exhibitions in honor of International Women's Day, including traveling ones. One of them was organized as part of the traditional competition "Student Beauty", held on February 26 at the Turkmen State Institute of Economics and Management. The exhibition of material and cultural values of the Turkmen people featured national carpets and carpet products, clothing, and household items. The organization of such exhibitions among young people expands the knowledge of the younger generation about the historical and cultural values and traditions of their people.



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