The Concept of Turkmenistan for the International Year of Peace and Trust presented to the CIS Council of Permanent Representatives
23.01.2025 | 13:45 |On January 22, 2025, the first meeting of the Council of Permanent Plenipotentiary Representatives of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) member states this year took place in Minsk under the chairmanship of the Republic of Tajikistan.
The meeting was attended by CIS Secretary General Sergei Lebedev and the Head of the CIS Countries Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan, Ahmad Saidmurodzoda, who presented the Concept of Tajikistan's chairmanship in the CIS for 2025 and the Plan of Measures for its implementation. The main goal of the chairmanship is to facilitate the achievement of key tasks and objectives defined in the CIS strategic documents, as well as to discuss issues on improving the organization's activities.
The Tajik chairmanship will be carried out in close coordination with the co-chairs – the Russian Federation and Turkmenistan.
During the event, in accordance with additional items previously submitted by the Embassy of Turkmenistan to the meeting agenda, the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Turkmenistan to the Republic of Belarus, Permanent Plenipotentiary Representative of Turkmenistan to the statutory and other bodies of the CIS Nazarguly Shagulyev delivered an introductory report.
Shagulyev informed the meeting participants about the declaration of 2025 as the International Year of Peace and Trust in Turkmenistan in connection with the adoption, on the initiative of Turkmenistan, by the UN General Assembly of the Resolution "2025 – International Year of Peace and Trust" and presented the Concept of activities and priorities of Turkmenistan within the framework of the Year.
The Ambassador noted that the culminating event will be a major international forum dedicated to the International Year of Peace and Trust, the International Day of Neutrality, and the 30th anniversary of Turkmenistan's permanent neutrality, to be held in December 2025.
At the meeting, the permanent plenipotentiary representatives of the CIS member states to the statutory and other bodies of the CIS (SPPR) summarized their work for the past year and approved the Council's work plan for 2025. Issues of preparation for the next meeting of the CIS Council of Foreign Ministers, scheduled for April 11 in Astana, where issues of security and humanitarian cooperation will be considered, were also discussed.