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Turkmenistan on the way to WTO accession: new bills are being prepared

14.10.2024 | 16:55 |
 Turkmenistan on the way to WTO accession: new bills are being prepared

A seminar on the rules and provisions of the World Trade Organization (WTO) agreements on the topics of "Technical Barriers to Trade" and "Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures" was held in Ashgabat last week. The event was organized by the Ministry of Finance and Economy of Turkmenistan in cooperation with the International Trade Center and was held at the Archabil Hotel.

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The seminar was part of the new program "Turkmenistan: Enhancing Stability and Trade Integration" aimed at preparing civil servants to participate in events related to WTO membership. During the training, the participants - representatives of relevant ministries, higher education institutions and the Mejlis of Turkmenistan - analyzed the country's legislation and international standards.

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In addition, in the administrative building of the State Committee "Turkmenstandards" under the guidance of experts from the International Trade Center, the final preparation of draft new laws, including the draft laws "On Technical Regulation" and "On Standardization", in accordance with the requirements of the WTO and in order to simplify trade procedures and eliminate technical barriers was held.

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In order to discuss the results of the analysis, a business meeting was held with representatives of the Mejlis, the Ministries of Finance and Economy, Justice, Health and Medical Industry, Agriculture, the State Customs Service and the State Committee "Turkmenstandards".

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Experts emphasize that special attention should be paid to simplifying trade processes and harmonizing national legislation with international standards. The Ministry of Finance and Economy of Turkmenistan is actively working on analyzing existing legislation and preparing new ones to ensure the successful accession of the country to the WTO.


Photo: Ministry of Finance and Economy of Turkmenistan

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