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Leonora Dmiterko Benefit Concert: Turkmen Music in Moscow

03.10.2024 | 19:35 |
 Leonora Dmiterko Benefit Concert: Turkmen Music in Moscow

On 16 October, in the heart of Moscow, at the legendary Moskconcert hall on 1st Tverskaya-Yamskaya Street, a benefit concert for Leonora Dmiterko will take place. The piano part will be played by Alexander Blok.

Leonora Dmiterko is renowned for her original interpretations of works by various composers. Contemporary authors strive to have their creations reflected in her program. Not everyone is destined to experience this honor - to be performed by Leonora Evgenievna.

As a cosmopolitan musician, she lovingly introduces previously unknown composers to the Russian audience. Her concerts often feature works by masters from various national schools. Three Turkmen composers have been privileged with this honor: the outstanding figures of Turkmen compositional art — Orazmuhamet Kurban-Niyazov, Nury Khalmamedov, and our contemporary Mamed Huseynov.

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Several years ago, an album of violin works by Mamed Huseynov, masterfully edited by Leonora Dmiterko, was released. Currently, the preparation of a collection of violin compositions by Nury Khalmamedov, in the performing edition of Leonora Dmiterko, is nearing completion; the sheet music collection will be published soon. These works, which have become the foundation of the study repertoire for students at music colleges and conservatories in Turkmenistan, will pave the way to a professional level, providing violinist artists with a unique opportunity to reveal their talents and technical abilities on stage.

The concert program will feature compositions by: Mamed Huseynov – Fantasy on Japanese Themes "The Scent of Blooming Sakura" Orazmuhamet Kurban-Niyazov – Two Themes with Variations "In the Creative Footsteps of N. Paganini".

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Leonora Evgenievna is an Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, an outstanding soloist of the Mosconcert, awarded the Order of Friendship and the Medal of the II degree “For Services to the Fatherland”, a permanent member of the jury of the Moscow International Festival of Arts “Sounds of the Dutar” named after Nury Khalmamedov.

For more information about the event visit the Mosconcert website.


Photo: "Dutaryň owazlary" festiwalynyň guramaçylyk komiteti tarapyndan berlen

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