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An evening of Turkmen art and traditions held in Brussels as part of cultural exchange

25.09.2024 | 02:25 |
 An evening of Turkmen art and traditions held in Brussels as part of cultural exchange

A vibrant cultural event organized by the Embassy of Turkmenistan took place in Brussels. It brought together representatives from the cultural sector, including fashion and art figures from Central Asia and the European Union, as well as representatives from various organizations in this field. The event was part of the Cultural Exchange Week and demonstrated the importance of preserving Turkmen traditions through modern forms of art and fashion.

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The meeting was opened by the Ambassador of Turkmenistan, Sapаr Palvanov, who emphasized in his speech: "Turkmen culture, like the culture of all Central Asia, is our invaluable heritage that we must not only preserve but also make more accessible to the new generation”. He also noted the importance of cultural diplomacy as a tool for strengthening connections between peoples: "Culture has always been a neutral sphere, serving as a bridge between people. Cultural values are a universal language understood by everyone."

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A significant part of the program was a presentation dedicated to the 300th anniversary of Magtymguly, the great poet and thinker whose legacy continues to inspire both Turkmen and representatives of other nations. The Ambassador discussed how the ideas of this classic of national literature and outstanding philosophers of the East resonate in Turkmenistan's cultural diplomacy in the capital of the European Union—Brussels.

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Talented Turkmen designers - Sheker Akiniyazova, owner of the Art Studio “Keshde”, Shemshat Tachmammedova, founder of the brand “Gones”, Ogulbeg Berdimyradova, master of hand-made carpet weaving (, who came to Belgium as part of the cultural exchange programme, attracted special attention of the guests of the evening. They visit galleries, participate in Brussels Culture Week and make presentations at EU institutions. They presented their collections, which organically combine traditional elements of Turkmen culture and modern fashion trends.

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A special guest and co-organizer of the event was Elena Kharitonova, founder of the Caravan Cultura CreArt Agency (Netherlands), who emphasized the importance of preserving cultural values through modern projects and supported the distinctive Turkmen designers.

The event concluded with the Ambassador of Turkmenistan inviting all attendees to try traditional Turkmen palov: "Palov is not only a part of our common cultural heritage of Central Asia, but also a symbol of our common traditions, despite the differences in its preparation”.

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The event at the Embassy of Turkmenistan marked an important step in strengthening cultural ties and interethnic dialogue through art, fashion, and gastronomy. Such events highlight that culture is a powerful tool capable of building strong bridges of mutual understanding and cooperation between nations.


Photo: Belgiýadaky Türkmenistanyň ilçihanasy tarapyndan üpjün edilen

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