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A bust of Makhtumkuli will appear in the Moscow Library of Foreign Literature

26.09.2024 | 23:30 |
 A bust of Makhtumkuli will appear in the Moscow Library of Foreign Literature

A bust of the great Turkmen classic Magtymguly Fragi will be unveiled in the All-Russian State Library of Foreign Literature, Moscow. The ceremonial event is scheduled for the beginning of next week - September 30. The author of the bronze bust on a granite pedestal is a member of the Union of Artists of Turkmenistan, sculptor Zakhid Babayev.

The participation of representatives of Russian government agencies, the diplomatic corps accredited in Moscow, the creative and scientific community, public figures, and leading media is planned for the opening ceremony of the bust.

The program of the event includes reading of Magtymguly Fragi's poems in Turkmen and Russian, performances by cultural figures from Russia and Turkmenistan.

The Turkmen poet and philosopher of the second half of the 18th century, who is considered the founder of the literary Turkmen language, was born in 1724. With his work, Fragi developed the role of spoken language in poetry, and also abandoned the traditional Arabic-Persian metrics in favor of the syllabic system. His poems and verses were transmitted orally by musicians and storytellers, and began to be published in the first half of the 19th century.

The event is held by the Embassy of Turkmenistan in the Russian Federation in honor of the 300th anniversary of Magtymguly.

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In the courtyard of the Moscow Library of Foreign Literature, in front of the main entrance, there are more than twenty busts and sculptures of outstanding writers and thinkers. Sculptures of Dmitry Likhachev and Simon Bolivar, Yuri Lotman and Jaroslav Hasek, Abraham Lincoln and Mohandas Gandhi, Leonardo da Vinci and John Paul II, James Joyce and other outstanding literary figures have turned the courtyard into the most monument-rich place in Moscow. The collection is periodically replenished with new sculptures donated to the library.



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