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Visiting a 20-year-old confectionery manufacturer

23.09.2024 | 06:30 |
 Visiting a 20-year-old confectionery manufacturer

Within the framework of the USAID’s Trade Central Asia activity, as a part of the Export Ecosystem Development Initiative, we met with Palvan Bayramsahedov, an Export specialist of Economic society “Misgär”. During the interview, he introduced us to the company's work and the company's products and gave some advice to young entrepreneurs who are interested in export activities.

Misgär launched its confectionery production in 2000. According to its representative, the modern high-tech Turkish equipment installed at the enterprise produces up to 1,500 tons of confectionery products per year, ensuring high product quality and a wide range, including over 40 types of cookies, popular Misgär wafers with various flavor fillings, sugar cookies, chocolate-coated cookies and crackers.

The production of cookies and wafers is a complex process that requires precise adherence to recipes and process parameters. Both of these categories of confectionery products have their own unique features related to the composition of the dough, the method of molding and baking. ES Misgär is a dynamic company. It is constantly looking for new solutions to make its products even more delicious and diverse.

Contact information:

Address: Building #3, Kuvatly street, Ak Bugday etrap, Akhal velayat, Turkmenistan;

Phone number: (+993 12) 59 55 15, (+993 65) 56 26 80;



This publication was prepared by USAID’s Trade Central Asia activity, as a part of the Export Ecosystem Development Initiative in cooperation with the Orient Information Portal.


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