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Young leaders of the Caspian Sea countries to gather to promote a new regional brand

27.08.2024 | 01:00 |
 Young leaders of the Caspian Sea countries to gather to promote a new regional brand

A shift of young leaders of the Caspian Sea countries will take place in Astrakhan within the framework of the educational forum “BeregA”, which will be held from 2 to 6 September. As reported by the press service of the Astrakhan Region Youth Affairs Agency, the participants of the shift will discuss the tourism and investment potential of the region. A new concept of positioning the Caspian region will be developed.

“The forum participants from Russian regions will be joined in the shift by entrepreneurs, tourism specialists, experts in the field of brand management, digital branding, marketers aged 18 to 35 from the Caspian Sea countries,” the report states and notes that representatives of Iran, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan have already confirmed their participation. Delegations from Uzbekistan and Belarus will also take part in the shift.

Among the topics of the shift are “How to change the image of the Caspian Region? Opportunities and perspectives”, “How to develop a corporate style and brand for the region”, as well as lectures on the cultural heritage of the regions, as specified by the press service.

The participants of the shift will have to form proposals to increase the region's recognition among young people, as well as to strengthen its tourist and investment attractiveness. They will consider the best practices of the Caspian region in the sphere of youth entrepreneurship, marketing, tourism, and territory branding. The proposals developed by the shift participants will form the basis of the work plan for the International Friendship Club, which will start its activities on the fields of the “BeregA” Forum on 5 September.



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