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Central Asian medical professionals visit Xi'an ophthalmology company

20.08.2024 | 20:50 |
 Central Asian medical professionals visit Xi'an ophthalmology company

The Center for International Exchange and Cooperation of the National Health Commission of China invited health officials and ophthalmology experts from Turkmenistan and other Central Asian countries to pay a familiarization visit to Eyedeal Medical Technology Co., Ltd. in Xi'an.


The Central Asian professionals conducted an in-depth study of the high-tech enterprise engaged in the research, development and production of ophthalmology equipment and devices, learned about the latest achievements in the development of new materials and innovations. They highly appreciated the excellent quality and excellent performance of high-precision medical devices, and showed great interest in establishing links with research personnel to learn about the specifics of the relevant products.


The Central Asian health delegation experts said that the visit left a deep impression on the innovative spirit of Chinese enterprises and strengthened their determination to deepen medical technology cooperation with China. They expressed confidence that the two sides would carry out deeper and broader cooperation to jointly respond to the problems of eye diseases and benefit people of all countries.

The visit took place last week, and at the same time, the company announced that it would donate 5,000 high-performance intraocular lenses to the China Health Express Foundation for free use in its domestic charity program and in Belt and Road countries. The batch of intraocular lenses will be used for free cataract surgery, helping more patients in China and abroad regain their sight.


"We hope to take this opportunity to build a bridge of cooperation between Xi'an Yandele and our colleagues in Central Asian countries and create a mutually beneficial "Health Silk Road," Hu Meiqi, deputy director of the Center for International Exchange and Cooperation of the National Health Commission of China, said at a ceremony attended by representatives of Central Asian medicine.

As part of this project - the "Health Silk Road" - Chinese ophthalmologists have already visited Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan, where they performed hundreds of cataract surgeries for local patients.



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