The online seminar on water saving technologies in agriculture was held in Turkmenistan
19.09.2020 | 16:10 |Within the limits of the joint project of the State Committee for Water Management of Turkmenistan and the Development Program of the United Nations the online seminar on water saving technologies in irrigated agriculture was organised. The project is financed by Global Environment Facility (GEF).
The purpose of the seminar which brought together about 20 representatives of agro-industrial branch of the country to present results of researches in the field of irrigation which were conducted on the research field in Gokdepe since 2017. So, eight experts of the project, including experts of "Turkmensuwylymtaslama" and Turkmen agricultural university named S.A.Niyazov were in direct communication with Gokdepe.
«For last 2 years experts of the project together with representatives of the Scientific Research Institute of Water Resources« Turkmensuwylymtaslama», students and professors of Turkmen state agricultural university have tested various methods of irrigation for cultivation of cotton, wheat and vegetables. The project has proved that water- and energy saving technologies allow increasing the volume of the received harvest. It is especially important in present environmental conditions of Turkmenistan where water becomes a scarce resource in many agricultural areas», - Akmyrat Yazkhanov, the expert of UNDP/GEF project said.
Experience has shown that the system of drip irrigation allows collecting about 6 tons of cotton per hectare while traditional watering by furrows allows collecting about two tons. The same results of increase in harvest have been reached at cultivation of corn, eggplants and wheat. Besides, the project has proved that water and energy saving technologies in irrigation help prevention and reclamation of saline soils.
Water resources management is the defining factor of economy and environment in Turkmenistan. The project “Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy for Sustainable Water Management in Turkmenistan" is directed to maintenance of sufficient and ecologically steady water supply, reduction of emissions of greenhouse gases connected with water resources management, and also prevention and restoration of saline soils.