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Technical and legal promotion of the TAPI project was reviewed in Kabul

15.07.2024 | 16:39 |
 Technical and legal promotion of the TAPI project was reviewed in Kabul

Ambassador of Turkmenistan in Kabul, Khoja Ovezov, met with Acting Minister of Mining and Petroleum of Afghanistan, Hedayatullah Badri, and discussed with him the progress of TAPI implementation and other important issues.

The diplomat congratulated the official on his recent appointment and wished him success in his new post, and also provided up-to-date information on the current progress on the TAPI project, especially in technical and legal terms, and on planned practical steps in the near future, the Afghan Bakhtar News agency says, citing today's report press service of the Ministry of Mining and Petroleum.

The parties emphasized the importance of further promoting and accelerating work on TAPI. Hedayatullah Badri confirmed the ministry's interest in completing the project as soon as possible.



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