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Introduced AI battery that lasts 25% longer than conventional ones and stores more energy

10.07.2024 | 10:45 |
 Introduced AI battery that lasts 25% longer than conventional ones and stores more energy

Eatron Technologies and Syntiant presented a joint development - a battery management system based on artificial intelligence. This is a universal module for upgrading energy storage devices in gadgets, household devices, electric vehicles, etc.

According to the developers, the use of this system extends the battery life by 25% and increases their capacity by 10%.

AI will analyze the health of batteries with an accuracy that existing systems cannot. Having enough information about the state of charge and the battery itself allows AI to easily make predictions and get accurate results. This way, the system can effectively manage the battery, reducing losses and load on the device.

The new product was presented at the concluded exhibition The Battery Show Europe 2024 in Stuttgart.



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