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BYD intends to supply new double-decker buses for London

22.05.2024 | 11:44 |
 BYD intends to supply new double-decker buses for London

Chinese car manufacturer BYD is close to winning the tender to replace the symbol of the English capital, the double-decker Routemaster bus.

The BYD BD11 bus was unveiled in London this week.

The new double-decker bus is powered by a 532 kWh Blade battery, which should last for approximately 640 km. However, most London buses travel between 180 and 360 km per day.

The battery is built into the main part of the vehicle - the chassis. According to the manufacturer, this reduces weight by 8%, increases range and leaves more space for passengers.

The bus is driven by two engines with a power of 150 kW. The turning radius is 8 meters. Charging with a power of 500 kW is supported, which allows you to charge the bus to 100% in two hours.

The BD11 is 10.9 meters long and has a wheelbase of 5.44 meters. The width is 2.55 meters and the height is 4.3 meters.

Depending on the configuration, the bus can carry up to 90 passengers. BYD buses will be manufactured in China, but 34% of the components used in the BD11 are sourced from Europe. The cost of the new product is about 508 thousand dollars, which is about 125 thousand dollars less than the price of British competitors.

One of the leading transport companies in the United Kingdom, Go-Ahead Group, intends to order 100 buses.

Routemaster is the most recognizable bus in the world. The bus has gained immense popularity among Londoners and guests of the British capital. The reason for this was the design feature of the bus - an open platform at the back, through which entry and exit into the bus was carried out.



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