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The Trans-Russian Internet Highway will be extended to South Korea

22.04.2024 | 23:18 |
 The Trans-Russian Internet Highway will be extended to South Korea

The Russian company Atlas (created by Rostelecom), engaged in the construction of the New Trans-EurAsian Fiber Optic Communication Line (TEA NEXT), will extend this Internet backbone to South Korea, and subsequently connect it to Europe.

The Nakhodka-Busan (South Korea) underwater communication line is currently being explored. It is assumed that TEA NEXT will have no competitors either across the Arctic Ocean or through the Red Sea.

The Trans-Eurasian fiber-optic communication line TEA NEXT will connect the western and eastern borders of Russia with the largest cities of the country. Having access to the Russian borders with Mongolia and China, the Internet backbone will also be connected to the coastal station of submarine communication lines in Nakhodka.

The design capacity of the fiber-optic line will be 96 dark fibers.

At the end of the last year, the Russian telecommunications company Rostelecom announced the start of construction of the third phase of TEA NEXT. It provides for the construction of a line between the cities of Torzhok and Kyakhta (Republic of Buryatia) with access to the Russian border with Mongolia. And in March of this year, the company announced its readiness for commercial operation of the second stage of the highway - from St. Petersburg to Moscow.

For further construction of fiber-optic lines, it is planned to attract funds from the VEB.RF Project Financing Factory.

In the western direction, the TEA NEXT highway reached the border with Latvia, but did not cross it. On the Asian side - after Kyakhta on the border with Mongolia - to the border with China, the extension will be provided by the Mongolian partner.



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