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Chinese Ambassador to Turkmenistan: A Look at China through keywords (22nd edition )

10.03.2024 | 14:30 |
 Chinese Ambassador to Turkmenistan: A Look at China through keywords (22nd edition )

On March 5, 2024, the second session of the National People's Congress (NPC) of the 14th convocation opened in Beijing. Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China Li Qiang made a report on the work of the government at this session. The report comprehensively summarizes the results of work in 2023, highlights the general requirements and policy guidelines for socio-economic development for 2024, and defines the tasks of the government for 2024, which is of great importance for understanding the main policy directions and important decisions of China.

Keyword 1: Overview of work in 2023

Last year is the year of the beginning of the comprehensive implementation of the spirit of the Twentieth National Congress of the CPC and the first year when the current government fulfilled its duties in accordance with the law. Facing an extremely harsh international situation and the most difficult tasks of reform, development and stability within the country, the CPC Central Committee, the core of which is Comrade Xi Jinping, rallying and leading the multinational people of the country, making great efforts, moved forward despite external pressure and internal difficulties.

We have won a crucial decisive victory in the fight against the COVID-19 epidemic, making a smooth transition to a new stage of anti-epidemic work. As a result, the main goals and objectives of socio-economic development for 2023 were successfully fulfilled. High-quality development was thoroughly promoted, general stability in society was maintained, and confident steps were taken in the comprehensive construction of a modernized socialist state.

Over the past year, in accordance with the decisions and plans of the CPC Central Committee, the current government has done work in the following areas. First, we strengthened the dynamics of macro regulation and macro-control, and contributed to the continuous improvement of the functioning of the economy. Secondly, we contributed to the modernization of production through innovation, strengthened new drivers that stimulate the development of cities and villages, as well as regions. Thirdly, we have deepened reforms and expanded openness, and continuously improved the business environment. Fourthly, we have strengthened our efforts to protect and improve the environment, accelerated the pace of green transformation of the development model. Fifth, we focused our efforts on ensuring the well-being of the people and promoted the development of the social sphere. Sixth, we have comprehensively strengthened the construction of the government and improved the efficiency of public administration in every possible way.


Keyword 2: General requirements and policy guidelines for socio-economic development for 2024

In 2024, we must adhere to the basic algorithm of work – progressive movement forward while maintaining stability, fully, clearly and comprehensively implement a new development concept, accelerate the formation of its new development architectonics, and focus on stimulating its high quality. It is necessary to comprehensively deepen reforms and expand openness, promote the achievement of a high level of scientific and technical self-sufficiency and self-empowerment.

We will increase the dynamics of macro-regulation and macro-control, coordinate activities to expand

domestic demand and deepen structural reforms in the supply sector, plan work on a new type of urbanization and comprehensive rural development in a unified manner, as well as work to ensure high-quality development and a high level of security.

We will practically increase the viability of the economy, prevent and eliminate various risks, improve society's expectations, consolidate and strengthen the trend towards recovery and improvement of the economic situation. We will continuously contribute to the effective improvement of the quality of the economy and the rational growth of its volume, improve the welfare of the population, maintain stability in society, thereby comprehensively promoting the great cause of building a powerful state and national revival through Chinese modernization.


Keyword 3: 5%

For the current year, the following main development indicators were outlined: GDP growth will be approximately 5%; the increase in the employed population in cities and towns will exceed 12 million people; the unemployment rate, calculated on the basis of sample studies in cities and towns, will be approximately 5.5%; the growth of the consumer price index is expected to be about 3%. The incomes of the population will grow in proportion to the growth of the economy. In general, the balance of international payments will remain. Grain production will remain at over 650 million tons. The energy intensity of GDP will decrease by about 2.5%, and the environmental situation will consistently improve.

The approval of GDP growth rates at about 5% was due to the need to stimulate employment and increase household incomes, as well as to prevent and eliminate risks. Such growth rates correspond to the goals outlined in the 14th five-year program and the tasks of modernization in general. When setting goals, the potential for economic growth and the conditions for its support are taken into account, as well as the requirement for dedication and entrepreneurship is reflected. It will not be easy to achieve this year's goals, so we need to keep our political attitudes focused, work harder and mobilize the efforts of all parties.

Keyword 4: Government objectives for 2024

The report says that the government's objectives for 2024 include the following ten areas:

The first is to intensively promote the creation of a modern production system, accelerate the development of new-quality productive forces. Promote the optimization and modernization of production and supply chains. Actively cultivate emerging industries and industries of the future. Consistently promote the innovative development of the digital economy.

The second is to comprehensively implement the strategy of raising the country through science and education, and strengthen the foundation for high-quality development. Strengthen the formation of a high- quality education system. Actively contribute to achieving a high level of scientific and technical self-sufficiency and self-empowerment. Comprehensively prepare and effectively use personnel.

The third is to direct efforts to expand domestic demand and promote healthy circulation in the economy. To stimulate sustainable consumption growth and actively increase effective investments.

The fourth is to steadily deepen reforms and strengthen internal drivers of development. To awaken the activity of various business entities. Accelerate the formation of a single national market. To promote reforms in the fiscal, financial and other spheres.

Fifth, to expand openness to the outside world at a high level, to promote mutual benefit and mutual gain. To help stabilize the volume of foreign trade and improve its quality indicators. To increase the dynamics of attracting foreign investments. To promote the high-quality joint construction of the "One Belt and One Road" in depth and thoroughly. To deepen bilateral, multilateral and regional economic cooperation.


Sixth, it is necessary to properly coordinate work in the field of development and security, effectively prevent and eliminate risks in key areas. Confidently and systematically eliminate potential risks. To improve the long- term risk prevention and control mechanism. To build security capacity in key areas.

The seventh is to tirelessly and conscientiously carry out work in the field of agriculture, rural areas and the peasantry, and thoroughly promote the comprehensive development of rural areas. Strengthen efforts to ensure stable production of grain and basic types of agricultural products, as well as to ensure their guaranteed supply. Relentlessly consolidate and expand the results of intensive poverty eradication. Systematically promote reforms and development in rural areas.

Eighth, to promote the integrated development of cities and villages, as well as the coordinated development of regions, and to optimize the territorial location of the economy in every possible way. Actively promote a new type of urbanization and increase the level of coordinated regional development.

The ninth is to intensively develop ecological civilization, promote green and low-carbon development. To promote the comprehensive improvement of the environmental situation. To develop a green and low-carbon economy in every possible way. Actively and systematically promote work to achieve peak carbon emissions and carbon neutrality.

Tenth, to effectively ensure and improve the standard of living of the population, strengthen and update social management. Take comprehensive measures to stabilize employment and increase incomes of the population. To increase the capacity to provide health services. Strengthen social security and services. Enrich the spiritual and cultural life of the people.

Keyword 5: World Power Diplomacy with Chinese specifics


China will steadfastly adhere to an independent and independent peaceful foreign policy, consistently follow the path of peaceful development, and firmly adhere to the strategy of openness to the outside world, focused on mutual benefit and mutual gain. We stand for an equal and orderly multipolar world, as well as for a generally accessible and inclusive economic globalization, and we will contribute to the formation of a new type of international relations. We stand against despotism, hegemony and bullying, defending equality and justice in international relations.

Qian Naicheng, Chinese Ambassador to Turkmenistan


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