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The prototype of the “artificial sun” will be ready by 2035

07.01.2024 | 02:26 |
 The prototype of the “artificial sun” will be ready by 2035

The Chinese government has announced the creation of a new state-owned company called China Fusion Energy Inc, which will focus on creating a fusion reactor, also known as an "artificial sun."

Completion of work on creating an industrial prototype of the reactor is scheduled for 2035, and commercial use is planned to be launched by 2050. Thermonuclear fusion is considered the best solution to global energy problems, because it can provide safe, clean, and virtually unlimited energy production without the long-lived radioactive waste that is typically produced by nuclear fission.

China Fusion Energy Inc was founded by the China National Nuclear Energy Corporation (CNNC) to consolidate research into fusion energy. Also, as part of the project, a consortium of 25 organizations was created, including state enterprises and four universities.



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