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Samsung presented its generative AI

10.11.2023 | 16:02 |
 Samsung presented its generative AI

As part of the annual Samsung AI Forum event in Seoul, Samsung presented its own generative artificial intelligence model called Gauss.

Samsung Gauss Language is a generative language model that can compose emails, manipulate documents, and translate content. It can also provide more intelligent control of devices (such as Google Home or Amazon Alexa).

It consists of a Gauss Language, a Gauss Code, and a Gauss Image—each part tailored to its specific task.

Samsung Gauss Code uses code.i, a coding assistant that allows developers to quickly and easily write code, generate test cases, and more.

The South Korean tech giant named its generative AI algorithm after the famous mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss, who created the Normal Distribution Law used in machine learning. The company said that the name reflects Samsung's vision for AI models, which is to use all the knowledge in the world to improve AI and improve the quality of life for consumers around the world.

The development of the Gauss algorithm was carried out by engineers from the research division of Samsung Research. Currently, the algorithm is used to improve employee productivity within the company, but in the future its availability will be expanded and it will appear in the company's consumer applications.



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