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A teacher with a God-given talent and a man with a big heart: the conservatory gave a concert in memory of Nikolai Amiyants

05.06.2023 | 20:10 |
 A teacher with a God-given talent and a man with a big heart: the conservatory gave a concert in memory of Nikolai Amiyants

A touching concert dedicated to the memory of a talented musician, an outstanding teacher and just a wonderful person Nikolai Artyomovich Amiyants took place on Saturday at the Turkmen National Conservatory named after Maya Kuliyeva. Honored Art Worker of Turkmenistan, the founder of the Turkmen violin school Nikolay Artyomovich is known in the Turkmen musical world as a teacher with a God-given talent.


I was personally acquainted with legendary Nikolai Artyomovich. In the conservatory they call him legendary. But, unfortunately, our communication was not very long, however, good impressions remained for life.

Arriving once again in Ashgabat, I accidentally got to him for a regular, ordinary lesson with a third-year student of the music school named after D. Ovezov. I was shocked and captivated by how simply and accessible, and, at the same time, brilliantly, Nikolai Artemovich explained to his student Ibragim Orazov the essence of Bach's polyphony, which he eventually performed superbly. I saw with my own eyes how the composer’s idea, the teacher’s creative thoughts and the student’s desire to “absorb” all this without a trace were combined into a single whole.


I remembered another small episode from our acquaintance: Nikolai Artyomovich responded to my request to help choose a violin for my son. I was pleasantly surprised when, despite being very busy, he went with me and helped me buy a musical instrument. It is such actions that reveal human qualities - a pure soul and a good heart. By the way, the violin is still kept at our house and now it has already become a piece of our family history about Amiyants.

The evening began with the beautiful music of Albinoni's Adagio. Every heartbeat seemed to be heard in the hall. The sounding composition, which can be called - the music of eternity, the music of memory, the music of life, literally "enveloped" all those present, covering with sadness and sadness about the departed loved ones, relatives and close people.


The host of the concert, Elena Osipova, candidate of art criticism, senior lecturer at TNC, spoke about the life and creative path of Nikolai Artyomovich, his followers and students, pedagogical and human principles. Her stories alternated with musical performances. The evening was continued by the “Camerata” of Ashgabat – they performed the solemn and sad “Passacaglia” by Georg Handel. Musicians Bahram Dolyev (violin), Kakageldy Khodzhalekov (cello), Takhir Ataev (viola), Aylar Botayarova (violin) charmed the audience with their virtuoso performance.


The “Poem for Cello” by Nury Halmamedov performed by Kakageldy Khodjalekov (cello) sounded inspirational. The piano part was performed by Ashir Ashirov.

The younger generation also showed their skills - Timur Kasymov, a 6th grade student of the Children's Music School No. 1, performed on the stage with the composition "Tarantella" by Ellerton and Sapargul Murzaeva, a 11th grade student of the Special music boarding school at the Turkmen National Conservatory named after Maya Kuliyeva, who played "Nigun" by Ernst Bloch. Young performers once again confirmed the high status of the violin school of Turkmenistan.


The young teacher of TNC Myakhri Agadzhanova played the fervent "Khaitarma" incendiary, and the graduates of the conservatory Altyn Nurmuradova (violin) and Anna Atayeva (piano) heartily performed the sonata of Cesar Franck. “Vocalise” by Sergei Rachmaninov performed by Aliya Umarova touched by lyricism, and Jamal Agadzhanova-the student of the conservatory could convey all the drama and power of Shakespearean passions in “Montagues and Capulets” from the ballet “Romeo and Juliet” by Sergei Prokofiev.

The performance of Bakhar Annadurdyeva captivated the audience. She performed "Paraphrase" of Fazil Say on the themes of Caprice No. 24 by Paganini sensually and subtly.


The concert program ended with the work "Divertissement" by Mozart - the favorite composer of Nikolai Amiiants. The most beautiful composition was presented to the public by Takhir Atayev's orchestra.

Organizer of the wonderful evening was Stella Faramazova - accompanist, diploma winner of international competitions, senior teacher of the conservatory, colleague and close friend of Nikolai Artyomovich Amiyants. The daughter of Nikolai Artyomovich addressed to her, all relatives and friends, students and followers of the great teacher words of great gratitude.

I want to finish the story with the words of Henry Adams - "The teacher touches eternity: no one can tell where his influence ends ...". It sounds like a dedication to Nikolai Amiyants.


Svetlana Kim

Photo: provided by Svetlana Kim

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