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Nature in the city – natural beauty or ecological necessity?

22.10.2019 | 13:05 |
 Nature in the city – natural beauty or ecological necessity?

Environmental specialists around the world are concerned about the preservation of unique nature reserves. After all, humanity is closely interrelated with the environment, and disparagement of natural values can threaten a global environmental catastrophe.

Japan, in view of historical facts, has repeatedly stood on the threshold of an environmental crisis. Nevertheless, the country managed to cope with most of the problems in this area thanks to the careful attitude to the Institute of Nature.

The historical garden Tinjan-so is considered to be one of the positive examples of preserving the natural beauty of Japan. The area, named as Tsubakiyama (Camellias’ Mountain) gained its name due to the wild camellias grown there. Precisely Camellia is an iconic symbol of Japan, these plants are able to bloom even in winter.

About 700 years ago, Aritomo Yamagata, a famous statesman of Japan, built an estate here, around which there was a garden for walks. Over the years of existence, some cultural values have been brought into the garden. During the Meiji epoch, government meetings and conferences were held here.

To the present day, the garden blooms and gratifies Tokyo residents and tourists with its picturesque views. The year round visitors of Tinjan-so can enjoy the smell of the forest and flowers. Here one can hear the spring water flowing, relax and get away from the city noise.

In addition to the feeling of calm, sometimes it seems that you are in a wild, fabulous forest, walking through you easily meet 7 gods of luck and a five-hundred-year-old chestnut tree Gosinboku. The tree measures 20 meters in height and 4.5 m around.

The surviving pagoda delights the eye by its grandeur and indescribable beauty. It was brought to the garden in 1925 from Hiroshima. According to legend, the pagoda was built by monks without a single nail approximately in 802-852.

The historic garden on Camellias’ Mountain has long been a popular destination for eco tourists from around the world. This circumstance only confirms the fact that it is possible to maintain natural and historical beauty in urban conditions.

In the modern world with its speeds, abundance of cars, architectural structures, dominance of factories and plants it is difficult to preserve the natural beauty in a state of nature. But to enjoy the clean air and the splendor of the blooming gardens, is it necessary to leave the city?

City squares and parks become small islands, “green areas” where one can listen to the birds’ singing, breathe deeply, relax in the shade of branching trees.


Every year, several million seedlings are planted in Turkmenistan, following the policy of environmental safety and ecological safety. Green plantation in an urban area helps to cope with the backlash of the greenhouse effect, giving oxygen and purifying the air.


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