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Tashkent Park in Ashgabat will become a new page in the dialogue of sister cities

11.02.2022 | 17:20 |
 Tashkent Park in Ashgabat will become a new page in the dialogue of sister cities

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave instructions on the construction of the Tashkent Park, which is being carried out along Makhtumkuli Avenue in Ashgabat. The general plan of the park area with models of its facilities was presented by Deputy Prime Minister Charymyrat Purchekov.


The head of state said that the design of the park, which will become a symbol of friendship and good neighborliness between the two peoples, should reflect the identity of the Turkmen and Uzbek cultures, their architectural heritage, and the sights of the fraternal country.


The new park will be another chapter in the development of the dialogue between the sister cities of Ashgabat and Tashkent in the modern era, a manifestation of the Turkmen policy of positive neutrality, peacefulness, and cooperation.


In 2018, a large Ashgabat Park was opened in Tashkent; it also adjoins Makhtumkuli Avenue in the Uzbek capital. Presidents Mirziyoyev and Berdimuhamedov took part in its grand opening. Today it is one of the largest and most popular parks in the city. The Tashkent Park in Ashgabat will be a reciprocal friendly gesture embodying sincerity and openness in relations between Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.



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