The Hotel "Garagum"- a symbol of Turkmen hospitality and the Silk Road, opened in Ashkhabad
21.11.2021 | 03:47 |«Roads of friendship and brotherhood lead to independent Turkmenistan - heart of the Great Silk road», - President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said, speaking at the opening ceremony of the hotel "Garagum" in Ashkhabad on Friday.
The new hotel is located nearby the international airport of the Turkmen capital and embodies in its architectural design the main geographical brand of Turkmenistan - one of the largest deserts of the world Kara Kum. Designers of a hotel complex have tried to transfer natural exotic of land in external forms, but its art concept was constructed on a historical phenomenon of the Great Silk road, which routes lay in the ancient time through sand of the Kara Kum, connecting the East and the West of the continent.
Today Turkmenistan revives this general line, which played an outstanding role in development of civilisation, trade, exchange of cultural values and scientific ideas, and the country’s capital is ready with kindliness and generosity to meet envoys of peace.
Now for the place of caravans-sheds of the Silk road which, apparently, were in due time advanced "hotels" where life boiled, high quality infrastructural objects, including respectable hotels offering high quality service to travellers and delegates of representative level have come.
The new complex "Garagum” impressing with its unique visual and hi-tech solution of architectural plan is also so. It’s most complicated roof with fluid rifts simulating mobile silhouettes of dunes only counts for a lot!
Having cut a symbolical ribbon, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov opened the new hotel and familiarised with conditions given here for reception of visitors.
The complex includes 87 numbers for 204 person in total: 17 standard, 8 suite classes, 47 luxury suites and 15 - super-lux rooms. Eight business centres, conference halls, a big banquet room and restaurants, sports, trading, administrative zones, SPA and others are equipped.
During survey of the hotel, the head of the state visited the restaurant where he took an interest in the menu, visited rooms, having paid attention to their comfortableness, and also estimated hotel interiors.
Here Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held a meeting with the head of Turkish holding Rönesans - the basic contractor of the project - Erman Ilicak. Then the meeting format extended to the working meeting with participation of deputy-chairman of the Cabinet responsible for the agro-industrial complex Esenmyrat Orazgeldiyev. In particular, at the meeting issues of wide introduction in Turkmenistan water saving and water-desalinating technologies with assistance of Turkish partners were touched upon.
Further, the meeting proceeded with participation of deputy-chairman of the Cabinet responsible for industry Charymyrat Purchekov. Now it concerned joint projects in the field of electric power industry. So, head of Rönesans who has carried out a number of significant objects in Turkmenistan, stated readiness of the holding for participation in new projects to increase capacities of electric energy branch of Turkmenistan.
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The new park - "Erkin" – was opened near the hotel "Garagum» which became operational on Friday. The green well-arranged zone stretched in the territory of about 17 hectares on which trees were planted, flowerbeds were laid, and fountains were built, and in its central part a 22-metre flagstaff with the banner of Turkmenistan was placed. Here a bicycle parking and bicycle paths were also laid.