A concert "Bagtyýarlyk owazlary" in honor of the International Children's Day will be held at the Mukam Palace
30.05.2024 | 11:38On June 1, the Mukam Palace of the State Cultural Center of Turkmenistan will host a concert "Bagtyýarlyk owazlary " in honor of the International Children's Day. The concert will feature a youth symphony orchestra, a united children's choir, as well as young singers and musicians.
Artistic Director: Rasul Klychev
Conductors: Guvanch Saparaliyev and Kovus Bashimov
The concert starts at 15:00.
For questions about purchasing tickets, please contact the following phone numbers:
• 48-96-83
• 94-10-76
• 66-33-99
• 60-15-67