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Premiere of a composition about Turkmenistan from a French composer

01.11.2023 | 11:40
Premiere of a composition about Turkmenistan from a French composer
Ashgabat, Gorogly 65

On November 10 and 11, Magtymguly National Musical and Drama Theater of Turkmenistan will host a joint concert of the State Symphony Orchestra of Turkmenistan with French and German musicians Pierre Tilua and Neima Fischer.

During the concert, the French composer will present his first music about Turkmenistan for the first time. During the concert also German, French and Turkmen musical works will be performed.

Date: November 10 (Friday), November 11 (Saturday)
Time: 7:00 PM
Venue: Ashgabat, Gorogly 65
Contacts: +99312223898, +99363467177, +99364037456