

07.06.2024 11:15
Luxembourg-based cargo airline Cargolux has announced plans to increase the number of flights to Turkmenistan.
06.06.2024 22:30
On June 6, 2024, as part of the visit of the delegation of Turkmenistan to Brussels, a meeting was held between Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan A. Gurbanov and Acting General Political Director of the Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs for Multilateral Affairs and Globalization Ghislain D’hoop.
06.06.2024 11:48
A delegation of the «Turkmenaragatnashyk» agency, headed by Chairman Hajymurat Hudaygulyev, took part in the 60th meeting of the Council of Heads of Communications Administrations - participants in the Regional Commonwealth in the field of communications of the Commonwealth of Independent States.
05.06.2024 17:13
The international scientific conference "Energy Prospects, New Technologies and Environmental Aspects of hydrocarbon field Development" TESC 2024, dedicated to topical issues of the energy industry, has begun in the capital of Turkmenistan.
05.06.2024 16:33
The St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, one of the largest and most significant business events in the world, began its work at the Expoforum Convention and Exhibition Center.
05.06.2024 16:10
At the end of May 2024, in the next issue of the popular in Ukraine business magazine “Kyiv Diplomatic”, an article was published in honor of the anniversary of the national poet of Turkmenistan, an outstanding personality of world literature, the founder of Turkmen classical literature and the Turkmen literary language Magtymguly Fragi under the title “The Fount of the Mind of Magtymguly Fragi: 300 years since the birth of the outstanding Turkmen poet and thinker”. The article was prepared by the Embassy of Turkmenistan in Ukraine.
05.06.2024 12:22
A presentation of a book about the work of the outstanding Turkmen thinker and poet of the 18th century Dovletmammet Azady “Vagzy-Azat: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow” took place in Azerbaijan. Did Dovletmammet Azady talk about the utopian or real world?” (in Azerbaijani and Russian languages). It belongs to the pen of the famous Azerbaijani publicist, political scientist, host of the author’s program on the CBC TV channel “Aspects of Foreign Affairs” Teymur Atayev, AZERTAC reports.
05.06.2024 12:20
On Tuesday, June 4, during trading at the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange of Turkmenistan, products from the light industry and petrochemical industry were sold.
04.06.2024 12:53
The take-off module of the Chinese automatic interplanetary station Chang'e-6 lifted into satellite orbit samples of soil collected on the far side of the Moon. This event opens a new chapter in the history of earthly astronautics, since scientists have not yet had at their disposal samples from the side of the satellite invisible from Earth.
04.06.2024 11:35
The Embassy of Turkmenistan in France organized a mass bike ride dedicated to World Bicycle Day.