28.12.2021 23:27
Last week, nine tenders were announced in Turkmenistan from the Ministry of Construction and Architecture of Turkmenistan, the Ministry of Industry and Construction Production, SC “Turkmengaz”, SC “Turkmenhimiya”, SC “Turkmenneft”, Joint-Stock Commercial Bank "Senagat" of Turkmenistan and Eni.
28.12.2021 02:27
For January-November 2021, repairmen of the “Nebitgazchykarysh» enterprise of the “Turkmenneft” state concern timely repaired and put into operation 503 wells in the Balkan region, the website of the oil and gas complex of Turkmenistan reports.
27.12.2021 20:40
The manufacturer of sock products in Turkmenistan IE «Batly Gadam» and the sea transport company ES «Turkmen Deniz Hyzmatlary» have successfully passed the procedure of international certification according to the requirements of international ISO standards.
27.12.2021 20:34
In 2021, Turkmenistan supplied about 10 billion cubic meters of natural gas to Russia, which is twice the level of supplies in 2020. The Russian Ambassador to Turkmenistan Alexander Blokhin announced such provisional figures at a briefing for Turkmen journalists.
24.12.2021 23:43
In total, supplies of vaccines against coronavirus infection from Russia to Turkmenistan amounted to about 600 thousand doses, Russian Ambassador to Turkmenistan Alexander Blokhin said during a press conference in Ashgabat.
24.12.2021 23:40
The Russian Embassy in Turkmenistan hosted a press conference by Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Alexander Blokhin dedicated to Turkmen-Russian relations. The diplomat walked through the key areas of bilateral cooperation and summed up the results of the outgoing year.
24.12.2021 03:58
The International Islamic Trade Finance Corporation (ITFC) has signed a $ 150 million three-year Framework Agreement with the government of Turkmenistan. The document was signed on December 22 by Chief Executive Officer of ITFC Hani Salem Sonbol and Chairman of the Board of the State Bank for Foreign Economic Affairs of Turkmenistan and Executive of the Islamic Development Bank from Turkmenistan Rakhimberdi Dzhepbarov. The move follows the approval of Turkmenistan's application to join the ITFC at the last ITFC General Assembly in September 2021, which took place during the IsDB Group's annual meeting.
24.12.2021 02:32
On Thursday, the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan registered the Russian-manufacture “Sputnik Light” vaccine, informs a press release from the Turkmen Foreign Ministry.
23.12.2021 17:53
Turkmen pipeline gas supplies to China amounted to 21.91 million tons worth $6.1 billion in January - November 2021, the General Customs Administration of China reported.
23.12.2021 08:07
Priority issues of foreign policy cooperation of Turkmenistan were considered during a video meeting between President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Foreign Minister Rashid Meredov.