30.08.2017 23:03
The increase in the temperature due to climate changes has caused the slow evaporation of the Earth’s largest inland water reservoir, find scientists from USA, Russia, France and Azerbaijan. The results of recent joint studies in the field of fluctuations in the level of the Casp...
27.08.2017 23:13
The creation of a highly qualified staff for all sectors of the economy is a priority task for in Turkmenistan. The upgrade of the system of vocational education and training on the basis of international experience, is regularly discussed by government. In this context, certa...
27.08.2017 15:32

Vladimir ZAREMBO

Discovering a new land for himself, the traveler first of all gets to know the people living on it. Perhaps, this is the most interesting part of his research. Here is a series of observations made by Russian travelers in different years of the late 19th - ...
18.08.2017 13:01
160 Turkmen pilgrims flew a special flight from Ashgabat to Saudi Arabia, where they will perform the Hajj to the shrines of Islam. On the days of the religious holiday of Kurban Bayram they join the Muslims of the world and perform religious rituals in Mecca and Medina. Ac...
16.08.2017 09:16
The Center for the Protection of Mother and Child Health in the city of Turkmenabat (formerly Chardzhou) had an extraordinary event - quadruplets were born! According to world statistics, on average this happens once in 700 thousand pregnancies. Therefore it is not surprising tha
15.08.2017 13:20


August 17th marks exactly one month before the start of the grandiose sports event - the Games "Ashgabat 2017". Many interesting events are timed to this day, promising to give an unforgettable experience. At the same time, the roads will be completely at the di...
05.08.2017 22:43
Unusual cars in the center of Ashgabat often mean that the next group of campers has arrived to our capital. It was impossible not to notice these autodontas, decorated with labels, call signs and autographs from different countries. It was evident that the owners of the vi...
30.07.2017 23:41

Leonid KYASHKO, journalist, Ivanovo, Russian Federation

In an ordinary Russian village, one will not find kazans frequently. But Rebrovo is an unusual village. In mid-August it will for the fourth time mark the most delicious holiday of the Ivanovo region - the folklore and ga...
30.07.2017 22:00
[video width="854" height="480" mp4="ОР_weloprobeg_internt.mp4"][/video] The President of Turkmenistan spends his days of rest in Avaza. The Head of State makes a trip to the resort's coast of the Caspian Sea every summer, dur
27.07.2017 21:59
The population of the Central Asian countries these days is experiencing an unusually hot period even for this sunny part of the continent. In Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Kyrgyzstan, the thermometer rose above 40 °, while in Iraq, where these hot air streams come from, more than...