02.02.2018 14:25


On April 14th, Almaty will host the festival Mini Maker Faire 2018, which will present the projects of various "makers" - people who from a set of conventional materials and not very sophisticated technologies create amazing models and find innovative solut...
01.02.2018 16:40
Waves of globalization blur the geopolitical and geo-economic boundaries between Europe and Asia, turning the entire continent into a rainbow economic and cultural contacts and people-to-people cultural dialogue. At the forefront of integration processes is the reincarnation of t...
31.01.2018 09:25


To celebrate the release of Monster Hunter: World, Capcom – one of the world's largest video game developers – is offering a huge reward to would-be hunters on mythical monsters. The company suggests fans to celebrate this event together with these monsters. W...
30.01.2018 17:30
CIS Executive Committee began forming of Observer Mission from the side of Commonwealth for the presidential elections in the Russian Federation, scheduled for March 18, 2018, and parliamentary elections in Turkmenistan, appointed a week later - on March 25, 2018. Supposes, th
29.01.2018 09:49
As remembered, in a well-known film, the pastor, arguing, said: “All people believe in something. Some believe that God exists, while others – does not”. Neither one nor other is provable. The British The Telegraph, which published a rating of religiosity in the world, tried t...
26.01.2018 20:35
It turns out that the predatory dinosaur of Alvarezsauridae comes from our territories, and not from South America, as it was supposed before. This conclusion was reached by Russian scientists from the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, after washing abou...
20.01.2018 23:09
Today, in the village of Dushak, the Kaakhka district of the Akhal region, a solemn ceremony of laying the foundation of the maternity hospital was held. The hospital will provide qualified local specialists with work and will be equipped according to international standards. ...
14.01.2018 23:22
The kennel club "Turkmen iti" plans to hold an exhibition of thoroughbred dogs in Ashgabat. The main particpant at the show is a common favorite - Alabai. Also the show will present German Shepherds, Cane Corso, Doberman and many others. The exhibition is scheduled to be organ
14.01.2018 16:23
In accordance with the memorandum on cooperation, signed between the Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping Company (AIPM) and the Moscow River Shipping Company, the first tourist tours will be launched on the Caspian Sea by the end of 2019. The technical characteristics of the first new...
11.01.2018 22:06
In the busy shopping area of the American town of Manalapan, New Jersey, one can find a modest corner of Central Asia - cafe Shirin acquaints the residents and guests with culinary delicacies and traditions of oriental hospitality. The elegant painted teapots and bowls fill th