18.11.2018 10:27


It is safe to say that natural gas in Europe is more than just fuel. It is even difficult for experts to determine if there is more economics or politics in natural gas. Judge for yourself. The book “The Battle for Gas Supply in Europe” (Die Schlacht um Europas Gasm...
15.11.2018 22:24
Six countries - Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Mongolia -united under the common name of Central Asia, will become an arena of active investment cooperation between Europe and China. These commitments were announced during the meeting held a...
15.11.2018 22:14
Central Asia really is now one of the world’s most economically dynamic regions, stated EBRD President Suma Chakrabarti in Beijing during opening Central Asia Investment forum, which gathered over 600 participants from countries and international organization, being a real friend...
09.11.2018 09:38
The construction of the Trans-Caspian pipeline will allow supplying more natural gas to Europe via the Southern Gas Corridor, leading expert of the Caucasus Studies Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan Aliyar Azimov writes in the Modern Diplomacy analytical...
08.11.2018 10:09
On November 7, a Memorandum of Understanding on the construction of the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan energy line (TAP) was signed in Kabul. The document was signed between the current Minister of Energy and Water of Afghanistan, Mohammad Gulm Hulmi and the head of the Turkis...
06.11.2018 09:43
President Berdimuhamedov at a video-conference meeting, which is traditionally held on Mondays, raised the issue of a mining and processing plant built by Belarusians in the town of Garlyk, located in the Kugitang Mountains in western Turkmenistan, the Vatan news program reported...
01.11.2018 22:17
On 9 November 2018, Investors and Exporters Service Center of the Mazovia Province, being one of leading provinces of Poland, will host in the Agency for Development of Mazovia free information meeting for entrepreneurs “"New Silk Road. Central Asian markets: Kazakhstan, Uzbekist...
27.10.2018 21:10


Expert community continues to discuss the gas issue, and Gazprom, Europe and China, who have common ground with Turkmen gas, are the main “heroes” of analytical materials. This question is asked by experts in different angles. Do Gazprom, Europe and China need Tu...
27.10.2018 12:07
Deputy Prime Minister for Transport and Communications M. Chakiyev will visit Azerbaijan with a working mission, where he will discuss the creation of the Afghanistan-Turkmenistan-Azerbaijan-Georgia-Turkey (Lapis-Lazuli) transport-transit corridor. This issue was discussed at a m
12.10.2018 11:12


Russian “Gazprom”, having begun negotiations on the resumption of purchases from January 1, 2019, of Turkmen natural gas, in fact, played in the preemption. Experts believe that the Russian gas giant, in the difficult situation that has developed after the signing o...