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The Turkmen National Conservatory celebrated the 120th anniversary of famous bakhshi Sahy Dzhepbarov

12.03.2025 | 01:46 |
 The Turkmen National Conservatory celebrated the 120th anniversary of famous bakhshi Sahy Dzhepbarov

On March 11, a creative meeting dedicated to the 120th anniversary of Sahy Dzhepbarov, one of the most prominent representatives of the brilliant galaxy of Turkmen bakhshi, was held at the Turkmen National Conservatory named after Maya Kulieva. Professor of the TNC Yolaman Nurymov, teacher of the special music boarding school at the TNC, People's Artist of Turkmenistan Amanovez Saparov, People's Artists Bayrammyrat Soyunov and Kiyas Durdyev spoke about the creativity and talent of this performer and composer, his mentoring and social activities.

The musical illustration to the performances was the performance of songs written by Sahy Dzhepbarov to the poems of Kerim Kurbannepesov and other famous Turkmen poets. Popular songs such as "Altyň biri", "Mugallyma gyz", "Pagtaçy gözel" were performed. Sahy Dzhepbarov's song "Şat bolar boldy" with lyrics by Khudaiguly Rejepov was performed by teacher of the Specialized Art School named after Sahy Dzhepbarov of the city of Arkadag Tachmyrat Kovusov.

People's Artist of Turkmenistan, famous bakhshi and creator of melodies for playing folk instruments Sahy Dzhepbarov was born in 1905 in the Geoktepe village of Yankala. He first learned the art of bakhshi from fellow villagers, and then improved his skills in performing and musical creativity with recognized masters such as Khally Bakhshi, Sary Bakhshi, Mylly Tachmyradov and others. He was not only a skilled performer, but also a talented organizer and mentor. In 1929, Sahy Dzhepbarov formed the first ensemble of folk instruments at the Drama Theater of the capital, then founded musical groups in the cities of Mary and Gyzylarbat.

Sahy Dzhepbarov was approved as a member of the organizing committee for the creation of the Union of Composers of Turkmenistan and became one of its first members. With the creation of the Union of Composers of Turkmenistan, Sahy Dzhepbarov began to work as part of it with such leading composers of Turkmenistan as Adrian Shaposhnikov, Dangatar Ovezov, Ashir Kuliev, Veli Mukhatov, Veli Akhmedov, together with whom he created a number of new works.

He wrote more than 200 songs to the words of contemporary Turkmen poets and classics of the past. The works he created, as well as the performance of folk music, recorded on radio and television, in a recording studio in Moscow, entered the golden fund of Turkmen culture. For his services in the development of Turkmen musical art, Sahy Dzhepbarov was awarded the State Prize named after Magtymguly.



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